Chapter 3
Old Time Radio Programs



The Union Signal - Oct. 29, 1938 pp(656) 16. (Womens Christian Temperance Union)

Radio PIayed a double role at, the recent National W.C.T.U. convention, in California, carrying messages to members unable to attend and presenting our work to the general public.

Months beforehand our National director, Mrs. Helen Hewitt Green, was busy making arrangements with the great networks to donate the necessary time. If broadcasts sometimes came at inconvenient hours remember we gratefully accepted the time given us by each chain or station.

Several days in advance of the White Ribbon Special, Mrs. Green arrived in San Francisco to meet local station managers and program directors to complete the arrangements for broadcasts. Then the train arrived and what scurrying there was that night to locate our speakers and their manuscripts, which had to be in the studios the next morning; what painful necessity of cutting the inspiring messages to make them fit into the allotted time; but what gracious cooperation of National and World officers whose voices were to go out on the airwaves!

Our National president was presented over the Columbia Broadcasting System. She is the ideal radio speaker, putting over her own personality and also possessing that remarkable sense of timing which is so neccesary in radio.
[Radio Broadcast] - “The Marijuana Evil” WABC-CBS 5:45, speaker Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith. - W.C.T.U. convention at San Francisco Aug 3, 1938
The Mutual Broadcasting System had requested a talk on marihuana, and that was given in the popular interview form, Mrs. Green putting the questions to Mrs. Margaret C. Munns. A week later the local Mutual station, KFRC, broadcast another interview by Mrs. Green; this time with James Killip, describing his "Safety School on Wheels."

The third coast-to-coast program during the convention was over N.B.C. and presented our National vice president, Mrs. D. Leigh Colvin, bringing a message from the Eastern seaboard, followed by six representatives of other sections of the United States, including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Mrs. Blanch Pennington, with her "Liquid Fruits" feature, was presented as a compliment to California products. The local N.B.C. station, KGO, was also the medium through which a symposium was broadcast on the subject of "Child Guidance," featuring Mrs. W. Harold Sloan, Dr. P. S. Bourdeau-Sisco arid Mrs. Pearl Kendall Hess.

Two half-hour programs featuring "Youth" were broadcast from the beautiful "Chapel of the Chimes" at the Frances Willard Columbarium in Oakland. In this lovely setting Miss Helen L. Byrnes presented seven members of the Y.T.C., arid Miss Mary B. Ervin and Miss Lenadell Wiggins, with four associates, presented the work of the L.T.L. The same station, KRE, gave us an evening period when we presented the five points of the Centenary Star.

Early morning devotional broadcasts were presented by the radio directors of Northern and Southern California, assisted by their state officers.

The hostess state director of publicity, Mrs. Leah B. Boyce, arranged a broadcast by Mrs. Anna Marden DeYo, National correspounding secretary, and also daily announcements of general publicity.

As director of Radio for the hostess state it was my rare privilege to assist Mrs. Green in keeping track of papers, run errands, and be present in the studios at all of these broadcasts. thereby leaving the opportunity of meeting the wonderful women who are our National leaders. Also assisting in the studios was Mrs. John C. Urguhart, Radio director for Califoriiia South, who arranged for Mrs. Green to broadcast twice from Los Angeles after the convention.


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